St. Patrick's Day
Who was St. Patrick?
St. Patrick was a 5th century Romano-British christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the "Apostle of Ireland" he is the primary patron saint of Ireland, along with Saints Brigit and Columba
What is the purpose of St. Patrick's day?
Every year on March 17, the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick's Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.
Why is St. Patrick's day designated when is it?
It is on March 17 and it's doesn't fall on a holy week.
Why a certain color on St. Patrick's day?
St. Patrick's revelers thought wearing green made one visible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see ( anyone not wearing green ). People began pinching those who didn't wear green as a reminder the leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.
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